Environment and Safety

We Care

At Miljöbuss – Adelsö Buss  AB we work hard to ensure our high standard on environmental and safety issues are met. As a company in the transport sector we find it’s important for us to lead the way for other industries.

We recognize that it is our duty to limit our impact on the environment as much as possible. Therefore, we deliberately drive the most effiicient routes, avoid idle driving, and mainain fuel efficient speeds.

Security is an equally important issue. Drivers are constantly recieving recurring traing in order to make sure that no matter the traffic, your well being is carefully taken into consideration. All our buses are equipped with high quality tires and are regularly maintaned through summer and winter. Of course, all our buses are equipped with seat belts and even defibrillators should the need arise.

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”För oss är miljön alltid i fokus. Våra bussar körs på fossilfritt bränsle.”